Forums / In game politics / Highlands Honor ---- next era

Highlands Honor ---- next era
01:02:53 Jan 22nd 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

i was thinking about making HH again next era. there are are a few who wish me to i was curoius if others would like to join us. no real exp is needed  we can teach you. though activity is REQUIRED as will be kingdom forum use. again curious who is interested.

20:19:01 Jan 22nd 09 - Mr. Middle Earth:


it was a nice time there!

will se what i will do.. mabey, mabey not...

21:41:35 Jan 22nd 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

If you make it i would merge iok into you possibly if you want....although you probz wouldnt want me in after last time someone in my family was in it,

01:30:57 Jan 23rd 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

i hold no grudges save for one with burninglegion. dont like him at all. so sure i would accept a merge into us.   =-D

18:57:19 Jan 23rd 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

as it stands i need more people to remake HH.  if you are interest please message me or post here.

08:58:34 Jan 24th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

>_>,        *bump*          

13:42:09 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

Why the hate?

14:27:14 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Lumberman:

It's simple.

You talk so much but you act so less.

17:02:49 Jan 24th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius:


18:37:05 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

lol you gonna use the banner you used in era of lenard

20:17:46 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

lmao so true Ryan. I hope we use the same banner we had the very last era of HH.

20:31:50 Jan 24th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

i went through 601 emails to search for the old banner..... if anyone can find it then by all means message it to me. XD

and bl every time i work with you it ends up in failure due to your temper. especially when you were HH. i suppose i dont really dislike you i just wouldnt want to work with you again.

00:40:14 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

dude i barely remeber it but the only reason i do is cause you were allies with preds

01:00:26 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

No but if it makes you feel any better I have the first Trio banner!

01:06:00 Jan 25th 09 - Lord Frost Wraith:

Lol I remember Burningnub. Hilarious enemy.... he was like a Chihuahua xD All bark, no bite :P

02:19:30 Jan 25th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

you know what seloc it might make me feel better knowing you have that..... then again it doesnt but it did stand a chance of doing so XD   

the computer i had it on earlier no longer functions  but i may be able to find it on the hard drive.

04:10:23 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Lets hope you do Phoenix =)

08:06:42 Jan 25th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

HighLands HonourKingdom Banner 

08:07:14 Jan 25th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

there it is =-D   thanks to my old second  fraser =-P   thanks man

05:06:16 Jan 26th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

bump    >_>,

07:41:35 Jan 26th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

lol well as it stands i suppose we will start out small.

07:42:06 Jan 26th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Very...unless you will give an update on numbers :p

10:04:47 Jan 26th 09 - Sir Ant Worker Fever:


Good luck any wayy ^_^

15:49:52 Jan 26th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

Numbers =  3-4 at this point =-P    but they are each reliable members so i still feel comfortable about it.

07:42:02 Jan 27th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

generally as i war oop those untagged i attack seem to want to join me. =-P     but i do love a good oop war   =-D

21:32:49 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

wow some serious Sh1t talking in this forum ... flame lord if you remember what happened that era when we were in the same kingdom , just be quiet

Mr. Ryan The Lumberman- whos this sad little creep?

Lord Frost Wraith- ... please post your names before you changed them , you probably did that because you realized your were awful.


agreed people dont like me and i acually enjoy more enemys makes the game challanging , anyone who has been part of a kingdom with me has to know i am a beast


21:34:53 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

hmm how about it? i'll join ya if you'd let me in .. i need to do some @ss kickin

BC wont be on next era

21:37:16 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

..make that a maybe

00:31:11 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Aww but i remember a certain trash talker who went to allies to attack their Alliance and savior partners but got turned down and turned over and killed in a week.

01:06:12 Jan 28th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

sry bl but i dont really want you in HH again due to your past with HH.   i dont mind having you as an ally but in my kingdom is another story.

08:06:14 Jan 28th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

lol wow im allowed in but his not. they must not realize who my bro is.... most people in HH from what i remembered seemed to blame me for EVERYTING he done.

08:18:56 Jan 28th 09 - Sir Vidar:

good luck with the KD FLP

08:28:02 Jan 28th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

>_>,      and who may your bro be kathandarion?     did he or you try to turn members within the kingdom against me and demand a vice position?  if not then whatever your bro or you did to HH was minimal and i dont remember.

08:56:43 Jan 28th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

and thanks vidar   =-D

19:09:58 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

Mr. Frankie


1/27/2009 7:31:11 PM
Aww but i remember a certain trash talker who went to allies to attack their Alliance and savior partners but got turned down and turned over and killed in a week.

what the hell is he talking about? the era when i was with HH for like 3 days?
Flame Lord Phoenix


1/28/2009 3:28:02 AM
>_>,      and who may your bro be kathandarion?     did he or you try to turn members within the kingdom against me and demand a vice position?  if not then whatever your bro or you did to HH was minimal and i dont remember.

Eh? flame must you forget we discussed this and u realized it was a mistake , you and your nub vices made a bad choices

ps: i hope you have gotten alot better since then because you are in not a position to lead when you can barely manage your own porduction past 10k a tick ... embarrassing

20:35:43 Jan 28th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

My bro is Mr. Mimbrate Knight. Although i never got told exactly what he done....

00:48:03 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Mr. Burninglegion


1/28/2009 10:09:58 AM

Mr. Frankie


1/27/2009 7:31:11 PM
Aww but i remember a certain trash talker who went to allies to attack their Alliance and savior partners but got turned down and turned over and killed in a week.

what the hell is he talking about? the era when i was with HH for like 3 days?

Haha dont worry memory lost comes with age. TDS vs BC.

I remember Kath. I just was being nice and not going to b1tch bout it.

01:35:56 Jan 29th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

i still dont remember what kath is talking about.....  so couldnt have been all that bad  0_o

 and BL everyone found you at fault i dont know what you are smoking but i have beaten you in two wars since then..... among which was this era when we SLAUGHTERED bc oop.  you have never stood up to me oop. and i did not make this thread to argue with anyone so to end our argument you are not welcome in hh so leave the thread alone.

01:44:12 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Trainin Exercise:

nt interested in joinin bt i wana ask bwt a player named rhiannia last time i saw hh on a map she was with u guys?

01:54:41 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Ya Rhianna was the founder of HH. Great leader she was. Phoenix and Brutii are the ones that helped me remember how to play after a long break. I was only supposed to be gone for an era but meeting my gf kinda made me lose track :P.... How do you not remember Phoenix? You and Rhianna told us to hunt him down to his end. We did. He ran to Roc i believe and then got kicked and we killed him.

01:57:45 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

i have never been slaughtered .. maybe some of my lesser bc kingdom mates

01:59:57 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

HAHAHAHAHHA Are you kidding me??????!!!???!?!? I slaughtered you with 4k nazzies. Destroyer slaughter you with 4k nazzies along with your entire southern core. I broke through your blockers. Got a hold of an armory in your core and trained more nazzies. It was so much fun btw. We needed a tune up fight so we could fight Heaven/Fuzzy alliance.

02:45:08 Jan 29th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

that made me lol   but seriousle BL stay out of the HH forum. unless we are at war or peace with eachother and you have a reason for posting something.

03:31:55 Jan 29th 09 - Master Cloutier:

lol thats too funny

20:38:59 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

Frankie .. dude wow this is an embarrasment

somehow since im a @ss sometimes you think you can Sh!t talk all you want? i could take you and 3 of your kingdom mates single handed

frankie .... your shameful , the era that our close allies, suppose to be blood brothers camped a XXX in our core then decided we arnt trust worthy so then attacked without warning ... is that what your refering to ?


claiming the biggest city in our core , yea um sure that was total skill .. , Flame be quiet .. if your nub kingdom would not have sh!t talked i wouldnt have even come to this forum


-BL.. end it

22:25:06 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

im sorry BL i know we are in similar circumstances and your thinking of joining IoK but HH arent a Nub KD.

01:07:58 Jan 30th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

lol You couldnt take me then and you couldnt take me now nub. Ill use 1 nazzie so you can have a chance to put words into action bro.

01:30:02 Jan 30th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

just end it frankie  not worth it. if you wish to bicker do so outside of hh forum and thanks kath =-D

01:44:04 Jan 30th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

but i wasnt bickering :( just having fun. Great stress realiver after school =P

16:16:54 Jan 30th 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

whats the 5th grade treatin you bad now?

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